Reserve your ticket for Alice vs. Wonderland

Via this form you’re able to reserve tickets for Alice vs. Wonderland on May 20 at the Lindenberg Theater in Nijmegen. This form was made to make the process of reserving a seat easier for people who do not live in the Netherlands.

The form will stay open until May 16. After May 16 you can only reserve tickets via Lindenberg (Phone number: (0031) 24 327 37 37), or buy tickets via Lindenberg or on the day of the performance.

Reservation made via this form do not include reserving a specific seat. Instead you’ll be assigned a seat number when you pick up your ticket on the day of the performance.

To pick up your reserved ticket you need to arrive at least 30 minutes before the beginning of the performance (7.30pm) to pick up your ticket. After that there’s a chance your ticket might be sold to someone else.


Ticket Reservation is now closed