Meet the Team

Photo from one of our rehearsals for Hotel Tranquille, our 2023-2024 production .
Meet the team of WOW-EFFECT Theater – a group of international theatre fans with different levels of experience. On this page we will introduce you to our team for the season 2023-2024. We hope to see all of them again in the next season!
We have vastly different backgrounds and experience levels when it comes to acting, writing, directing and production, but each member contributes something vital. We all work on our projects as a team and we all are way more than just team mates – we are dear friends to each other.

Maria KinastActor
Very organised, structured, empathic and friendly force of nature. She gets things done in her real life with job and kids, and uses theater to let go and enjoy the weird side of things! Loves to party, especially if said party allows her to go to bed on time. Still surprised when addressed as a real grown-up. Can be bribed with food to do nearly anything.

Candela Peño GomezActor
Unpredictable, incredibly funny and loud, she arrived to the group with a great enthusiasm to let out her multiple personalities. Not a crazy woman, her grandma assures it.

Rob CuperusActor
After completing an education in Chemistry, Rob was eager to get back into acting! A huge movie, music, fitness (and of course theater) nerd, his head is usually busier than the rest of him. Just make sure not to ask him for this favourite Iron Maiden album.

Asima AbidiActor
Asima: A tumor immunologist who daydreams constantly about being a shark instead. Can talk about The Office and Taylor Swift for hours on end but don’t ask her where her life is headed. Theater gives her the opportunity to be ‘someone else’ which is so much better than ‘be yourself’! Right? Right!!

Remco SomersActor
Wants to be a Disney villain. Can’t sing or dance. Scared of wasps. Likes cookies.

Johan JansActor
Johan discovered his love for acting when his mild obsession with board games expanded into the territory of Dungeons & Dragons. He loves playing the monstrous, villainous and truly insane, but he’s a gentle soul in real life, he assures us.

Joachim FusieckiActor
Divine hands, cursed mind and stoic soul. Can it work? We don’t know but it’s worth a try.

Storme Roth-BoggisActor
Awesome member of the team!
More info soon…

Mike KobrineActor
Here on his quest to quench a constant thirst for attention. Usually found developing new interests which will be coldheartedly abandoned 2 weeks later. What he may lack in skill is balanced out by being incredibly cute.

Piyush SharmaEngineer in Arts
Calculative, tolerant and perhaps empathetic. He loves Cricket, still dreams of playing at the highest level. He always needs music and makes sure that people around him listen to it too. He wants to do many things but he is good friends with laziness. A serene individual, he’s our perfect “Boy next door”.

Monishaa MirchandaniActor
Meet Monishaa, the self-proclaimed original Duracell battery who’s convinced she can cram more into a day than humanly possible. With a penchant for parties, art, traveling, swimming, cooking, and of course, theater, she’s always racing against the clock, believing she can outpace time itself, even if she’s mostly running behind schedule.

Xinyu ZhangActor
Awesome member of the team!
More info soon…

Phillip YesleyActor
Awesome member of the team!
More info soon…

Andrei AntilofevActor
A Biology student, big entomology enthusiast and an overall weirdo. Been jumping around the world like a drunk grasshopper throughout his life, and it doesn’t seem to stop here. A generally fun guy, but when they were handing out punctuality, he was probably three hours late.

Céline ThomasActor, Producer
Loves loosing herself in books and being sad she can’t be friends with all the crazy characters… But theatre has given her a worthy supplement. She could use a well-known quote to describe herself, if only unicorns weren’t so mane-stream… At least her picture’s not on toilet paper. All hail the fandom!

Devansh GuptaKing of Multimedia
Devansh thinks of himself as a storyteller, but often fails to communicate his own ideas. Loves being dramatic, but runs away from conflicts. He likes to quietly observe the world and the people around him, but also wants to be centre of attention. Maybe, one day, he will reconcile these ironies. Or maybe he won’t!

Elitsa BahovskaActor
Awesome member of the team!
More info soon…

Alex BraekenActor
Technical dude, photographer, and often just a good set of hands. He tries to help WOW-EFFECT make the plays just a little bit better. Occasionally plays creepily happy doctors and obnoxious managers.

Ruth CrothersActor
Awesome member of the team!
More info soon…

Anna PereverzevaActor
Awesome member of the team!
More info soon…