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Character Wackyparse – Sarah Fünke
Character Wackyparse – Sarah Fünke We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Sarah. Enjoy! 30 Graphic designer Germany German, English, Dutch, a bit of Esperanto, Japanese, French Helen O’Neill 1. How do you prepare for a zombie apocalypse? I don’t prepare at all. If a zombie apocalypse happens, I will probably be dead within the first day and I am weirdly okay with that… 2. Describe WE in three words. Communicative, developing, ambitious. 3. Which Disney hero character would you be? I am not sure I would be [...]
Character Wackyparse – Puk Speckens
Character Wackyparse – Puk Speckens We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Puk. Enjoy! 27 Fresh graduate of English studies The Netherlands Dutch, French, German Maid 1. If you were a plant, what would you be? Fresh mint. I love fresh mint. And… I’m fresh and I’m minty? Could also be a cactus, cause I’m easy to handle, but if you over-handle me, I can become prickly. 2. Who would you most likely drunk dial? I’d mostly likely text, as I don’t always feel comfortable with phone calls. [...]
Character Wackyparse – Stefan Riegl
Character Wackyparse – Stefan Riegl We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Stefan. Enjoy! 29 Master's student of artificial intelligence Germany German, little bit of Dutch and Japanese Gabriel Utterson 1. Did your parents plan to have you? Planned! If it was a girl, they would have named her Stefanie. 2. Which time would you go to for a visit? Ancient Rome because I want to see what is true and what is made up. Or 200 years into the future. 3. Name 3 vegetables that will be [...]
Character Wackyparse – Carmen Vazquez
Character Wackyparse – Carmen Vazquez We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Carmen. Enjoy! 32 PhD candidate in soil biology Spain Spanish toddler-Dutch Cybel 1. What did you want to become when you were a kid? Pediatrician. 2. How prepared are you for a zombie apocalypse? Like minus 10. I mean, I have like a few cans in the pantry, but no weapons- zero training. Think I’ll be like, zombie number 3. 3. Which Disney hero character would you be? My instinct says Hercules, cause he’s ridiculous. I [...]
Character Wackyparse – Anssi Kemppainen
Character Wackyparse – Anssi Kemppainen We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Anssi. Enjoy! 38 Software design engineer at ASML Finland Finnish, somewhat Dutch, Swedish, Russian & German Pool/ Butler (drunk) Father 1. Anssi, who would you most likely drunk dial? I would probably call my ex.... colleague, actually, not girlfriend. I've done it once before. I hadn't seen him in like 5 years, I was really drunk and for some reason it occurred to me that I really need to call him. I hardly remember what I [...]
PERSBERICHT: Jekyll en Hyde productie van WOW-EFFECT
Actrice speelt Jekyll en Hyde in productie van WOW-EFFECT Theater Op 15 en 16 Juni keert het Nijmeegse WOW-EFFECT Theater terug in de Steigerzaal van de Lindenberg, ditmaal met The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, waarin het klassieke verhaal in een nieuw daglicht wordt gezet. Het stuk begint met de briljante wetenschapper Dr. Henry Jekyll die zijn beste vrienden, Gabriel Utterson en Dr. Hastie Lanyon, probeert te overtuigen dat de Victoriaanse maatschappij slaapverwekkend is. Hier vertelt Dr. Jekyll echter niet dat hij al een chemische formule ontwikkeld heeft waarmee hij hun leven op de kop kan zetten. Met deze formule ontketent hij z'n innerlijke, beestachtige zelf: Edward Hyde. Bevrijd van de verstikkende morele beperkingen vormt Hyde een hechte relatie met prostitué Cybel, terwijl Jekyll zijn normale leven [...]
PRESS RELEASE: WOW-EFFECT’s Jekyll and Hyde Production
Actress plays Jekyll and Hyde in WOW-EFFECT Theater production On June 15th and 16th, Nijmegen’s international group WOW-EFFECT Theater returns to Lindenberg’s Steigerzaal, bringing to the stage the sci-fi classic The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, re-imagined in a new light. The play begins with the brilliant scientist Dr Henry Jekyll trying to convince his best friends, Gabriel Utterson and Dr Hastie Lanyon, that their Victorian high-society life is boring. What Jekyll doesn’t tell them is that he has already created a chemical formula that will turn their lives upside down. With the formula he unleashes his inner, bestial-self: Edward Hyde. Freed from stifling moral chains, Hyde forms a close relationship with the prostitute Cybel, while Jekyll continues his normal life — until Hyde’s passions begin to [...]
Character Wackyparse – Alexandra Granberg
Character Wackyparse – Alexandra Granberg We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Alexandra. Enjoy! 27 She is occupied sometimes, yes. Finland Nordics, Finnish, Dutch (see below) Henry Jekyll Edward Hyde 1. Who would you most likely drunk dial and what would you say to them? Oh, it would be Shameelah. I met her in South Africa when I was an exchange student and we clicked so well. We were like sisters then, and after I returned home we wrote these looong emails to each other. But we were [...]
Character Wackyparse – Céline Thomas
Character Wackyparse – Céline Thomas We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Céline. Enjoy! 22 Student (Int. business communication) Germany Dutch, German, French, a bit Japanese Ivy, Police detective, Policeman, Valerie, Flower Girl 1. Describe WE in three words. (immediately) WTF, haha. No, don’t write that. (after some thinking) I’d say: warm, ridiculous and (very) spontaneous. 2. Between 10 000 rats and 50 eagles, which would you choose to have on your side in a fight? (The one you don't choose will be against you) The eagles. They [...]
Character Wackyparse – Jasmijn Wellner
Character Wackyparse – Jasmijn Wellner We interviewed the cast of The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. What we didn't tell our interviewees, was what kind of questions we would ask them. So here is a perfectly correct representation of Jasmijn. Enjoy! 27 Trainee at a restaurant Netherlands Dutch, learning Swedish Richard Enfield 1. What is your favourite Dutch word? Eigenaardig (which means peculiar), because it’s parts eigen (own) and aardig (nice) have very different meanings. In that sense the word describes itself. 2. If you had to sacrifice one of your fingers, which one would it be? The right ring finger. I’m left handed, so that would be the least loss. All other fingers have more [...]