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Acting workshop 2023 by WOW-EFFECT Theater not only gets you familiar with some acting basics but also is the first step to join the team. In this workshop we cover different aspects of acting in 3 days.

What to expect

  • Day 1 – Space and body awareness: We will explore how to use space and our own actions to transport ourselves from the stage to the magical world of theater.
  • Day 2 – Emotions and voice: We will work both on understanding and expressing emotions, and try to tackle how best to use our vocal instruments to be able to reach our audience.
  • Day 3 – Working with a script: We will discuss how to deconstruct a script, identify key themes and emotions, and finally we will try to apply everything we learned to excerpts from plays. We will have this day together with the participants of the backstage workshop.

Throughout the workshop, we will also use various team building exercises to get to know each other better and feel comfortable around each other.

Register for the event here.

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