The Board

The Board manages WOW-EFFECT Theater and represents the association in and out of court. They rent the rooms and stages, prepare and revisit the rules, manage your membership, distribute the finances and do everything to keep WOW-EFFECT afloat.

Do you have any questions or concerns regarding the organization, your membership or similar? Are you interested in joining the Board? Feel free send an email to explaining your situation. Board is always happy to help you and does its best to give a fair treatment to everyone.

The current board consists of the following members:

Tulya Kavaklıoğlu
Tulya KavaklıoğluVoorzitter/ President
Céline Thomas
Céline ThomasPenningmeester / Treasurer
Piyush Sharma
Piyush SharmaSecretaris / Secretary
Remco Somers
Remco SomersBestuurslid / Board Member